Tag Archives: scoutmob

Gee, This Year Was A Hallo-Win

1 Nov

Growing up, Halloween had a magical quality to it. Every year when October rolled around, I would have a month long countdown to costumes and candy. My mother devoted hours of time and energy to constructing just the costumes that my sister and I wanted, and my dad guided us through the ritual pumpkin carving process.

My dear mother's Belle costume creation from Beauty and the Beast.

But as I abandoned trick-or-treating in my middle school years, the Halloween magic dwindled. I didn’t put much effort into creating my costumes throughout high school and college. My anticipation for the holiday all but disappeared. I might attend a get together with friends, but I never “went all out” like I did in my childhood years.

My Queen of Hearts getup.

This year, however, Halloween made an epic comeback. My roommate Kelsey and I decided to get crafty and put some real effort into our costumes…and it truly renewed my appreciation for the holiday. I created my own version of the Queen of Hearts, and Kelsey took on the Cheshire Cat. I even busted out my new sewing machine for the first time to attach fabric hearts to my dress! A big crafting milestone.

Cheshire Cat and Queen of Hearts with ScoutMob party waivers.

We debuted our costumes at an amazing ScoutMob Halloween bash at the Goat Farm in Atlanta. The quirky party featured distorted dancers, eerie musicians, a haunted house, a Smilebooth, and so much more. Seeing so many unique and creative costumes fueled my enthusiasm about the Halloween holiday.

It comes down to this: when you put time, effort, and a little heart into the festivities, you can see the day in a whole new light.

Gee, ScoutMob Is The Cool Kid Of Deal Sites

25 Oct

It’s true. I want to be best friends with Scoutmob.

Since moving to the ATL, I have scoured the deal sites in a desperate attempt to save pennies where I can. I quickly found that there are a plethora of daily deal sites out there (which is a beautiful thing for a recent college grad like myself), yet they all run together in a monotonous blur of mindless offers that are mostly irrelevant to me. Enter Scoutmob.

Scoutmob breaks the mold with its cheeky personality and interactive features. That’s right, this site actually has a personality. Not only do the Scoutmobsters offer you amazing deals around your respective city, but they give you local tips and entice you with featured area events and articles. Their mobile app provides deals to restaurants all across the city that you actually want to go to. Also, I am quite smitten with Scoutmob‘s weekly “Caption This” contest. It serves as a great distraction during the work week.

The Scoutmob deal descriptions will literally make you laugh out loud. Take today’s deal for McKinnon’s restaurant, for instance: “After forty years (that’s approximately a century and a half in Atlanta restaurant years) of serving Creole and Cajun classics to multiple generations, McKinnon’s has changed very little.” Boo ya.

To top it all off, Scoutmob rewards those members who spread the Scoutmob love by offering exclusive deals to those who share Scoutmobbery with family, friends, and meaningless acquaintances. They have dubbed this the “Revel” program, and it has become a personal goal of mine to attain those perks.

I could go on for days about my appreciation for this stellar site. From the sarcastic wit to the money-saving mayhem, Scoutmob takes the deal site to a whole new level. And I am officially in love. And did I mention that their signature thing is a mighty old school mustache? Can’t beat that.